"Glee" might be a show about a bunch of outcasts, but the show is anything but in Hollywood. On Tuesday morning (December 14), the show was nominated for five Golden Globes, including Jane Lynch's nod for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role, Matthew Morrison for Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series - Comedy or Musical and the show's Best Television Series - Comedy Or Musical nomination."#GLEE has received 5 Golden Globe nominations!" the show's official Twitter reads. "Congrats Jane Lynch, Chris Colfer, Lea Michele, Matthew Morrison and the whole cast and crew!"
Chris Colfer, who is up for Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role, was overjoyed by the news. "I'm so excited to be nominated!" he said in a statement. "I've been extra high pitched and stutter-y all morning!"
"OMGG! I can't believe it! Am I awake? OUCH!" he also tweeted. "Yes, I'm awake! I'm going to obnoxiously tackle everyone I see today!"
Meanwhile, Lea Michele, who is up for Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series - Comedy or Musical, not only was excited for her own nom, but also her fellow castmates' nominations. "I am very grateful to the HFPA and honored to be included with this extraordinary group of actresses. I am so excited for Chris, Matthew and Jane and share this nomination with the entire cast and crew of 'Glee.' "
She also tweeted, "Oh my g-d!!!! So excited, happy, thrilled, and thankful this morning:) What amazing news!! So happy for our show, Jane, matt & chris too!!!!"
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