Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

David Beckham : He's the legend

"Please welcome the man, the legend Himself! David Beckham, ladies and gentlemen! "That's the way Gabby Logan introduces Yahoo! Sport 2010 was ambassador to the global audience who attended the interview with David Beckham, mid-July. Via teleconference that was held in 19 countries simultaneously, the press and representatives Yahoo! Beckham pleased with my conversation for 90 minutes. CG! it is definitely present and write the story for you.

1 Although it has been years become celebrities, Becks still not familiar with the reaction of the fans who met at the airport, especially when they cry so see it. He just can surrender and let the tranquil embrace these fans. Now you know what to do to get a hug from uterus, girls. He .. he .. he ...

2 When asked to mention three things that must exist in his life, even Becks bid ask four things, namely Victoria, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz. This answer makes all the spectators shouted ... awwww, so sweet!

3 Becks have good suggestions for fans of tattoos, "Do not ever choose and get a tattoo while drunk!" I think tattooed hobby runs in the family. Dad Becks had several tattoos and is now the middle child began to whimper'm tattooed as well. Tattoos are like what is asked Romeo? Very simple, writing mommy and daddy. Cute, huh?

4 Believe it or not, Beckham is a family favorite toys lego. Becks even bought a set of Lego Taj Mahal that baseball never finished until now.

5 If so pesebakbola baseball, basketball athlete he hopes so. Other options? So Steve McQueen - the legendary actor from the United States, because Becks himself can baseball act. "I'm a terrible actor. I just never acted at all in? lm GOAL and looks very stiff, but there I was playing myself, "he said honestly.

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