Creator and chief executive of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, reportedly will donate U.S. $ 100 million on schools in Newark. Once reported by the New York Times.
Zuckerberg will make an official announcement about it on Friday (09/24) tomorrow on the show The Oprah Winfrey Show. In the event, Zuckerberg also be accompanied by Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, and Mayor of Newark, Cory Booker.
"Do not wait for Oprah to come on Friday! Watch and you'll know more about what happened in Newark," Mayor Booker wrote in his Twitter account on Wednesday (22/09) yesterday.
This prize will be the first step Zuckerberg become a sponsor for a fund for education. California was the original guy did not have anything to do with the Newark area, but Zuckerberg has met Mayor Booker in a conference conducted last July. And they both keep talking about the city.
To date, U.S. $ 100 million is the largest donation ever received by the education system with problems there. Schools in Newark is already monitored by the country since 15 years ago but still only generate test scores and low graduation rates in New Jersey.
Until now, the Facebook spokesman said that if no something they should announce. (Pcm / NPY)
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